Dentures & Partials Succasunna, NJ

Dr. Ira Goldberg is an experienced restorative dentist that offers full and partial dentures in Succasunna, NJ. Patients who have multiple missing teeth or even full arches of missing teeth benefit from receiving dentures. This restorative dentistry option improves the aesthetics of your smile as well as your oral health, giving back the ability to eat and speak with confidence and comfort. At Morris County Dental Associates, our professional team is dedicated to ensuring comfortable and comprehensive dental solutions for patients with missing teeth.

Dr. Goldberg is a leading local dentist in Morris County, NJ. for the placement of implant-supported dentures and All On Four. He will provide a thorough dental exam and explain all suitable treatment options during a consultation. The placement of a permanent, natural-looking smile using an implant-supported denture can be a life-changing experience. If you have been suffering from a slipping denture or have been edentulous, Dr. Goldberg can work with you to restore your smile and your quality of life with personalized care.

Dentures and Partials in Succasunna, NJ

Reasons to Replace Missing Teeth with Dentures

Missing teeth can significantly impact your oral health and appearance. Even a single missing tooth will lead to many oral health issues that will progress into larger problems. Gaps along the arch can cause your remaining teeth to shift towards the gap. Once your teeth begin to shift, this leads to a misaligned bite. People who have lost teeth are also more prone to receding gums, tooth decay, and gum disease. Finally, one a tooth is gone, the underlying will begin to slowly deteriorate. Bone loss in the jaw can cause your entire facial appearance to change. Deep wrinkle will form around the mouth and the skin will begin to sag. People with untreated tooth loss often look years older than they really are.

There are so many benefits to replacing your teeth with dentures including:

  • Long term durability
  • Improve biting and chewing ability
  • Prevents facial sagging
  • Improves speech
  • Reduces the risk of gum disease

Types of Dentures

We offer several types of dentures to meet the various needs of our patients. Each type has unique advantages and disadvantages. Dentures can be removable as well as fixed. No matter which type of denture you choose, it will take some time to adjust to wearing it. Continue reading to learn about the different types of dentures.

Partial Dentures

Several missing teeth may be replaced with partial dentures, a similar restoration to a dental bridge. This solution is made of false teeth, an acrylic base, and small metal clasps. Partial dentures are placed between the remaining natural teeth for a seamless and natural look. This treatment option can make it easier for patients to bite and chew as it balances the force of their bite. The downside to partials is they rely on remaining teeth for support, which can lead to potential oral health issues

Full Dentures

Full or complete dentures replace an entire arch of missing teeth. We can create a custom denture to go on the top or bottom jaw. A full denture will over the top of your gums for a stable restoration. A suctioning effect will help them remain in place. Denture adhesive can also be used to if necessary. The false teeth on a  complete set of dentures are fused to a base that is made out of acrylic. This will mimic the appearance of gum tissue to blend in inside your mouth. The downside to full dentures is they are not very stable. Denture wearers often complain that they move around causing speech and chewing issues. 

Implant-Supported Dentures

Dental implants offer a secure infrastructure for both partial and full dentures. Here the denture is anchored to dental implants instead of resting on the gums. Anywhere from 2 to 8 dental implants will be surgically placed into the jaw bone where they will fuse with the bone. This creates a more stable and secure fit than traditional dentures. The denture can either be fixed in place with screws or snap on to the implant fixtures. The downside to implant dentures is that not everyone will qualify for them. Patients must have sufficient jawbone tissue to receive implants. Bone grafting may be done for patients who need a stable foundation for implants. However, this solution offers significantly more benefits for you health and overall well-being compared to traditional removable dentures.

Dentures FAQs

Dentures are a life changing dental restoration. They will allow you to eat, smile, and speak normally again. It is important to learn about all your tooth replacement options before deciding on which one is best for you. To learn more about dentures, read through our frequently asked questions section. Contact us if had additional questions.

How many hours a day should you wear partial dentures?

We recommend that patients wear their dentures during the day, and remove them at night before bed. Your mouth and gum tissue need between six to eight hours to rest without dentures in. Patients may soak their dentures in mouthwash or a denture cleaning solution at night.

How long do partial dentures take to settle?

It typically takes a few days to a week for partial dentures to settle and for your gums to adjust to the pressure the dentures place on them. It is normal to experience tender pain or sensitivity during this time. With time you will adjust and they will feel comfortable and completely normal.

Can you eat normally with a partial denture?

Patients can eat normally with a partial denture. Once patients adjust to the feeling of speaking and chewing with their dentures, they may need to adjust their diet. Patients should avoid sticky foods such as chewy candies, chewing gum, and peanut butter. We also advise patients to be careful when chewing tough meats and bread.

Will dentures change the shape of my face?

Dentures may alter the shape of some patients’ faces, but usually in a positive way. Dentures offer extra support to patients’ jaw and facial structure. This may give patients a younger or more youthful appearance.

Are partials supposed to hurt?

Partial dentures should not hurt. We create them to fit your mouth perfectly. During the first few weeks after getting dentures, it is not uncommon to feel slight discomfort; however, this will go away. After a week or two, you should feel comfortable and pain-free while wearing your dentures.

How do I keep food from getting under my partial denture?

When eating with a partial or full denture, you may experience food particles sticking between your denture and gum tissue. This may cause discomfort and gum irritation. Denture adhesives can combat this issue. For example, it seals the space between your denture and your gums so that nothing can get caught in between.

Schedule an Appointment Today for Dentures in Succasunna, NJ

Dr. Goldberg can provide you with a comfortable denture in Succasunna, NJ if you have failing or missing teeth. You can call our dental office, Morris County Dental Associates, at 973-298-5893. Request an appointment with Dr. Goldberg online and see the difference that restorative dental care can make in your life. We welcome new patients seeking to restore their smile after tooth loss and Dr. Goldberg can also provide an experienced second opinion and treatment alternatives for those wanting to further explore tooth replacement options.