Crooked Teeth Succasunna, NJ

Do you have crooked teeth? Are you looking for aesthetically pleasing cosmetic solutions?

Dr. Ira Goldberg treats crooked teeth in Succasunna, New Jersey. Crooked teeth are a dental concern that can be covered by porcelain veneers and dental bonding. These are great options for patients who have minor misalignment and want a straighter appearance. Before choosing a dental treatment, Dr. Goldberg will assess your teeth and gums and discuss your options with you. He will ensure that your treatments align with your budget and goals.

dentist for treating crooked teeth in succasunna nj

Why are My Teeth Crooked?

  • Genetics: Certain genetic predispositions may have led to your crooked teeth. Overcrowding or misaligned teeth are affected by the size and shape of your mouth, teeth, and jaw.
  • Poor habits: Over time, bad habits can shift your teeth out of alignment. Thumb sucking, using a pacifier for too long, and tongue thrusting are all habits that exert pressure on the teeth and jaw, resulting in crooked teeth.
  • Loss of baby teeth too early: When kids lose their baby teeth toot early, this often results in crooked teeth. This causes the remaining baby teeth to shift and lead to slanted or crooked permanent teeth.
  • Improper fit of dental restorations: Dental restorations, such as dental crowns, bridges, or fillings that do not fit correctly can alter your bite. A bite that is off can force neighboring teeth out of alignment.
  • Poor Nutrition: A person suffering from malnutrition during crucial development stages can get crooked teeth.
  • Other diseases and conditions: Various other diseases and conditions can lead to misaligned teeth such as osteoporosis, cleft palate, and jaw tumors.

Crooked Teeth Treatment Options

Dr. Goldberg and the team at Morris County Dental Associates offer several solutions to correct crooked teeth. First, book a consultation where your dentist will assess your teeth to determine which solution will work best for you. We offer the Snap-On Smile® system, teeth bonding, and porcelain veneers to enhance the appearance of crooked teeth.

Snap-On Smile

Dr. Goldberg is a Morris County Snap-On Smile® provider. The Snap-On Smile® system is a clear, comfortable, and easy-to-use way to instantly transform your smile. It’s the only device of its kind on the market and does not require drills or injections. This unique cosmetic treatment can provide a custom new smile that we place over your existing teeth.

The Snap-On Smile® is a removable dental appliance made from dental resin that fits over your existing teeth to hide the crooked teeth. The cosmetic restoration is a great treatment option for mild to moderate crooked teeth. or more severe orthodontic issues, you may require orthodontic treatment.

A Snap-On Smile is a single piece we will design to look like your natural teeth. We will take dental impressions to craft this smile enhancement solution. Once it is ready, you can snap the cosmetic restoration over your existing teeth, instantly giving you a straighter smile. This is a great solution for someone who wants straight teeth but at an affordable price and is not permanent. To learn more about how Snap-On Smile® works, see Snap-On Smile.

Am I A Candidate For A Snap-On-Smile?

The Snap-On-Smile system is a great option for almost anyone who:

  • Wants porcelain veneers or a makeover but would like to see what it would look like before they undergo an irreversible procedure.
  • Wants veneers or a makeover, but cannot afford the procedures at the moment.
  • Would like a Hollywood smile without the expense, discomfort, and length of complex and invasive dental procedures.
  • Wants to temporarily eliminate gaps, crooked teeth, stains, or missing teeth.
  • Wants to have a cosmetic procedure, but is terrified of needles and dental treatment.

Before & After:

Before crooked teeth treatmentAfter crooked teeth treatment

This patient was able to receive her beautiful new smile in 2 visits. Snap-On Smile was the best solution for her immediate cosmetic goals and personal budget.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are ultra-thin sheets of porcelain ceramic that your dentist will bond to the front and sides of teeth. We recommend dental veneers to patients with crooked teeth at Morris County Dental Associates. They can make teeth appear straight and cover discolored or stained teeth.

We craft dental veneers from high-quality porcelain to resemble natural teeth. They are translucent to match the natural sheen of real teeth. We can even color-match them when we design them to blend in seamlessly with your smile.

Dental veneers are a great treatment option for crooked teeth. However, if you suffer from severely crooked teeth, you may need orthodontic treatment to fix your teeth permanently. To learn more about the dental veneer process, see Porcelain Veneers.

Teeth Bonding

A more economical alternative to porcelain veneers, tooth bonding utilizes bio-composite material that is sculpted and shaped to a tooth, and then “bonded” using a special light. Dental bonding can change the size and shape of the teeth. The bonding material also blends in with teeth for a natural look.

Tooth bonding is less permanent than porcelain veneers and can be a great option for patients who may not want to commit to veneers. This treatment can not only be used for crooked teeth, but also for other damaged or chipped teeth. Like porcelain veneers, tooth bonding treatment can brighten your smile by several shades. To learn more about the pros and cons of dental bonding, see Teeth Bonding.

Crooked Teeth FAQs

Having crooked teeth is a common concern for many of our patients. We often get questions about crooked teeth and oral health, treatment options, and aesthetic outcomes. Here, we address some frequently asked questions to provide valuable information and guide those considering the various treatments options to achieve a healthier, straighter smile

What happens if you don’t fix crooked teeth?

It is important to fix crooked teeth because they can cause a wide range of issues. Not fixing them can cause trouble with chewing, eating, and speech. It can also lead to improper alignment of the teeth and jaw, which could affect the rest of your life. Gum disease, tooth decay, tooth cracks, and breaks are more severe effects of crooked teeth.

Are crooked teeth genetic?

Genetics can cause crooked teeth, but there are a variety of factors that affect tooth alignment. If your crooked teeth issues are genetic, we can simply address the issue with orthodontics.

Can crooked teeth get worse as you age?

Crooked teeth can continue to shift as you age. Teeth will continue to shift to fill space if gaps or crowding is present.

Can crooked teeth cause health problems?

Crooked teeth may cause a variety of oral and health problems. They may impact speech, and cause jaw and facial pain. Crooked teeth may also cause other teeth to shift and move further out of alignment.

Do crooked teeth affect your face shape?

Crooked teeth may contribute to patients’ face shape and facial symmetry. Alignment has a large impact on facial symmetry. Teeth that are misaligned are more likely to cause a patient’s face to appear asymmetrical, or swollen on one side. Teeth help maintain facial structure, so misalignment has a direct effect on face shape.

What causes some people’s teeth to grow crooked?

There are a variety of reasons people’s teeth may grow crooked. The most common reason is the shape and size of the person’s jaw. People with a small jaw are more likely to experience tooth misalignment and crowding.

Schedule a Consultation for Crooked Teeth in Succasunna, NJ

Are you self-conscious about crooked teeth? Do you want a brighter and more uniform smile? Call Morris County Dental Associates for comfortable dental care today at 973-298-5893. Request an appointment with Dr. Goldberg on our website.

Dr. Goldberg is a cosmetic dentist in Succasunna, New Jersey that is passionate about helping his patients receive the dental care they need. If you have any remaining questions about cosmetic treatments or any other treatment we offer at our dental office, feel free to ask a member of our staff. They will be happy to assist you.